
 * @module d2
 * @description
 * Module that contains the entry points for working with the d2 instance. Most of the api related functionality will be available through this package.
 * The most important functions from the module are {@link module:d2.init|init} and {@link module:d2.init|getInstance} these are used to create and to get
 * a hold of the initialized instance of {@link module:d2.init~d2|d2}. The initialized instance is the object that allows you access most of d2's functionality.
 * @example
 * import { init } from 'd2/lib/d2';
 * init({ baseUrl: 'https://play.dhis2.org/demo/api/27/' })
 *  .then(d2 => console.log(d2.currentUser.name));
import 'isomorphic-fetch'
import {
} from './lib/utils'
import Logger from './logger/Logger'
import model from './model'
import Api from './api/Api'
import System from './system/System'
import I18n from './i18n/I18n'
import Config from './config'
import CurrentUser from './current-user/CurrentUser'
import { fieldsForSchemas } from './model/config'
import DataStore from './datastore/DataStore'
import Analytics from './analytics/Analytics'
import GeoFeatures from './geofeatures/GeoFeatures'

let firstRun = true
let deferredD2Init = Deferred.create()

const preInitConfig = Config.create()

 * Utility function to load the app manifest.
 * The manifest well be enhanced with a `getBaseUrl()` utility function that will return the base url of the DHIS2 instance.
 * This is a simple getter for the `activities.dhis.href` property on the manifest.
 * @example
 * import { getManifest } from 'd2/lib/d2';
 * getManifest()
 *   .then(manifest => {
 *      console.log(manifest.getBaseUrl());
 *   });
 * @param {string} url The location of the manifest. Generally this is located in the root of your app folder. (e.g. './manifest.webapp)
 * @param {Api} [ApiClass] An implementation of the Api class that will be used to fetch the manifest.
 * @returns {Promise} Returns a Promise to  the DHIS2 app manifest with the added `getBaseUrl` method.
export function getManifest(url, ApiClass = Api) {
    const api = ApiClass.getApi()

    const manifestUtilities = {
        getBaseUrl() {
            return this.activities.dhis.href

    return api
        .then(manifest => Object.assign({}, manifest, manifestUtilities))

 * @function getUserSettings
 * @returns {Promise} A promise to the current user settings
 * @description
 * The object that is the result of the promise will have the following properties
 * @example
 * import {getUserSettings} from 'd2/lib/d2';
 * getUserSettings()
 *  .then(userSettings => {
 *      console.log(userSettings);
 *  });
export function getUserSettings(ApiClass = Api) {
    const api = ApiClass.getApi()

    if (firstRun) {
        Config.processPreInitConfig(preInitConfig, api)

    return api.get('userSettings')

function getModelRequests(api, schemaNames) {
    const modelRequests = []
    const loadSchemaForName = schemaName =>
        api.get(`schemas/${schemaName}`, { fields: fieldsForSchemas })

    if (Array.isArray(schemaNames)) {
        const individualSchemaRequests = schemaNames

        const schemasPromise = Promise.all(
        ).then(schemas => ({ schemas }))


        if (schemaNames.length > 0) {
            // If schemas are loaded, attributes should be as well
                api.get('attributes', {
                    fields: ':all,optionSet[:all,options[:all]]',
                    paging: false,
        } else {
            // Otherwise, just return an empty list of attributes
            modelRequests.push({ attributes: [] })
    } else {
        // If no schemas are specified, load all schemas and attributes
        modelRequests.push(api.get('schemas', { fields: fieldsForSchemas }))
            api.get('attributes', {
                fields: ':all,optionSet[:all,options[:all]]',
                paging: false,

    return modelRequests

 * Init function that used to initialise {@link module:d2.init~d2|d2}. This will load the schemas from the DHIS2 api and configure your {@link module:d2.init~d2|d2} instance.
 * The `config` object that can be passed into init can have the following properties:
 * baseUrl: Set this when the url is something different then `/api`. If you are running your dhis instance in a subdirectory of the actual domain
 * for example http://localhost/dhis/ you should set the base url to `/dhis/api`
 * unauthorizedCb: A callback function that is called whenever a API-request encounters a 401 - Unauthorized response.
 *  The function is called with (request, response) - the request object that failed, and the parsed response from the server.
 * @param {Object} initConfig Configuration object that will be used to configure to define D2 Setting.
 * See the description for more information on the available settings.
 * @returns {Promise.<D2>} A promise that resolves with the intialized {@link init~d2|d2} object.
 * @example
 * import init from 'd2';
 * init({baseUrl: '/dhis/api'})
 *   .then((d2) => {
 *     console.log(d2.model.dataElement.list());
 *   });
export function init(initConfig, ApiClass = Api, logger = Logger.getLogger()) {
    const api = ApiClass.getApi()

    const config = Config.create(preInitConfig, initConfig)

     * @namespace
    const d2 = {
         * @description
         * This is the entry point for the modelDefinitions that were loaded. To start interacting with the metadata api
         * you would pick a modelDefinition from this object to interact with.
         * @type {Object.<string, ModelDefinition>}
         * @instance
        models: undefined,
         * Collection of the {@link module:model} classes
         * @deprecated There is probably no point to expose this.
         * @instance
        model, // TODO: Remove (Breaking)
         * Api class that is used throughout the api interaction. This can be used to get hold of the module:Api singleton.
         * @example
         * d2.Api.getApi()      // Returns the api object
         *  .get('resources')   // Do a get request for /api/resources
         *  .then(resources => {
         *      console.log(resources);
         *  });
         * @see {@link module:api~Api#getApi}
         * @instance
        Api: ApiClass,
         * System instance to interact with system information like system settings, system info etc.
         * @example
         * console.log(d2.system.version.major); // 2 for DHIS 2.27
         * @see {@link module:system/System~System|System}
         * @instance
        system: System.getSystem(),
         * I18n instance with the loaded translations.
         * Usually used for retrieving translations for a given key using `getTranslation(key: string)`
         * @example
         * d2.i18n.getTranslation('success'); // Returns "Success" for the english locale
         * @see {@link module:i18n~I18n#getTranslation|getTranslation}
         * @instance
        i18n: I18n.getI18n(),
         * Instance of the DataStore class for interaction with the dataStore api.
         * @see {@link module:datastore.DataStore DataStore}
         * @instance
        dataStore: DataStore.getDataStore(),

         * Analytics instance for requesting analytics data from various endpoints.
         * @example
         * d2.analytics.aggregate
         *  .addDimensions([
         *   'dx:Uvn6LCg7dVU;OdiHJayrsKo',
         *   'pe:LAST_4_QUARTERS',
         *   'ou:lc3eMKXaEfw;PMa2VCrupOd',
         *  ])
         *  .addFilter('pe:2016Q1;2016Q2')
         *  .getRawData({
         *    startDate: '2017-10-01',
         *    endDate: '2017-10-31'
         *  })
         *  .then(console.log)
         * @see {@link module:analytics.Analytics Analytics}
         * @instance
        analytics: Analytics.getAnalytics(),

         * GeoFeatures instance
         * @see {@link module:geoFeatures.GeoFeatures GeoFeatures}
         * @instance
        geoFeatures: GeoFeatures.getGeoFeatures(),

    // Process the config in a the config class to keep all config calls together.
    Config.processConfigForD2(config, d2)

    // Because when importing the getInstance method in dependencies the getInstance could run before
    // init we have to resolve the current promise on first run and for consecutive ones replace the
    // old one with a fresh promise.
    if (firstRun) {
        firstRun = false
    } else {
        deferredD2Init = Deferred.create()

    const modelRequests = getModelRequests(api, config.schemas)

    const userRequests = [
        api.get('me', {

    const systemRequests = [api.get('system/info'), api.get('apps')]

    return Promise.all([
        .then(res => {
            const responses = {
                schemas: pick('schemas')(res[0]),
                attributes: pick('attributes')(res[1]),
                currentUser: res[2],
                authorities: res[3],
                userSettings: res[4],
                systemInfo: res[5],
                apps: res[6],

                // We only deal with metadata schemas
                .filter(schema => schema.metadata)
                // TODO: Remove this when the schemas endpoint is versioned or shows the correct urls for the requested version
                // The schemas endpoint is not versioned which will result into the modelDefinitions always using the
                // "default" endpoint, we therefore modify the endpoint url based on the given baseUrl.
                .map(schema => {
                    schema.apiEndpoint = updateAPIUrlWithBaseUrlVersionNumber(

                    return schema
                .forEach(schema => {
                    // Attributes that do not have values do not by default get returned with the data,
                    // therefore we need to grab the attributes that are attached to this particular schema to be able to know about them
                    const schemaAttributes = responses.attributes.filter(
                        attributeDescriptor => {
                            const attributeNameFilter = [
                            return (
                                attributeDescriptor[attributeNameFilter] ===

                    if (
                    ) {

             * An instance of {@link module:current-user/CurrentUser~CurrentUser|CurrentUser}
             * The currentUser can be used to retrieve data related to the currentUser.
             * These things primarily include:
             * - currentUser properties retrieved from `/api/me`
             * - Lazily request collections related to the user such as
             *      - userRoles
             *      - userGroups
             *      - organisationUnits
             *      - dataViewOrganisationUnits
             * - authorities
             * - userSettings
             * - utility methods for ACL
             * @example
             * d2.currentUser.canCreate(d2.models.dataElement); // Returns true when the user can create either a private/public dataElement
             * d2.currentUser.canCreate(d2.models.organisationUnit); // Returns true the user can create an organisationUnit
             * @see {@link module:current-user/CurrentUser~CurrentUser|CurrentUser}
             * @instance
            d2.currentUser = CurrentUser.create(

            return deferredD2Init.promise
        .catch(error => {
                'Unable to get schemas from the api',

            deferredD2Init.reject('Unable to get schemas from the DHIS2 API')
            return deferredD2Init.promise

 * This function can be used to retrieve the `singleton` instance of d2. The instance is being created by calling
 * the `init` method.
 * @returns {Promise.<D2>} A promise to the initialized {@link module:d2.init~d2|d2} instance.
 * @example
 * import {init, getInstance} from 'd2';
 * init({baseUrl: '/dhis2/api/'});
 * getInstance()
 *   .then(d2 => {
 *      d2.models.dataElement.list();
 *      // and all your other d2 magic.
 *   });
export function getInstance() {
    return deferredD2Init.promise

export function setInstance(d2) {

 * Can be used to set config options before initialisation of d2.
 * @example
 * import {config, init} from 'd2';
 * config.baseUrl = '/demo/api';
 * config.i18n.sources.add('i18n/systemsettingstranslations.properties');
 * init()
 *   .then(d2 => {
 *     d2.system.settings.all()
 *       .then(systemSettings => Object.keys())
 *       .then(systemSettingsKey => {
 *         d2.i18n.getTranslation(systemSettingsKey);
 *       });
 *   });
 *   @type Config
export const config = preInitConfig // Alias preInitConfig to be able to `import {config} from 'd2';`