Tutorial: FAQ


How do i? (FAQ)

Figure out which models i can use?

The types of models to use include almost all the available endpoint points in DHIS2. The ones available are the generic endpoints. A more practical way to get the list is to use either the schemas endpoint, or use d2 itself.

A request to the following url will get you all the names of schemas available. http://play.dhis2.org/demo/api/schemas.json?fields=name

If you already have d2 available you can do the following.

import { getInstance } from 'd2/lib/d2';

getInstance(d2 => {

How do i add translation sources and strings and get rid of ** name **

Before calling the init we might want to register some sources for translations. The translation sources could be either specified by adding a file source (in the form of a .properties file) or by adding individual strings.

Adding file sources

To add a file source you simply add it to the set of files to load by using the i18n.sources.add method.

In a more real world example this would look something like the following.

const userLanguage = window.navigator.language.slice(0, 2);

if (userLanguage !== 'en') {


Adding individual strings

To add strings/keys that you would like to get translated by the dhis2 api (These are the translation keys that you do not specify in your .properties files) you need to register them before calling the init method. Registration of the keys is done by caling i18n.strings.add. The init method will then ask the /api/i18n endpoint for the translations of all the registered strings.

import { init, config } from 'd2/lib/d2';


init({ baseUrl: 'https://play.dhis2.org/demo/api' });